Doug is grateful for…
Dear Employees of the Presbyterian Home for Children,
We have entered the holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving. In spite of the national pandemic brought about by COVID 19, we have a tremendous amount of blessings of which to be both thankful and grateful.
No one could have predicted the events of the last nine months. Our nation, and many nations of the world impacted by the pandemic are frantically searching for treatments, vaccines and cures for arguably the worse pandemic seen in our lifetime. So many of you have managed this crisis with bravery, compassion and care for the welfare of others.
You have handled the responsibility of our ministry to serve others with a spirit of love.
Being an essential agency, we have not been able to close our facility. And it is because of your dedication and commitment to your calling that we have been able to continue to carry out our call to serve.
Each of you have been touched in some way by COVID-19. Some have experienced loss, and for that we grieve with you. We are grateful for the service of many, to help those impacted by this horrible pandemic. Let us all continue to pray for one another that we remain strong in the commitment to fight this virus until we are victorious!
We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalms 7:17
Thank you for your service!
Doug Marshall
President and CEO
Felicia Ayers Storey
Vice-President of Program Operations and Services